$ave Energy NEK

Want to know how your home can save you money? 

Often the hardest part about home improvements is knowing where to start. $ave Energy NEK is a group of volunteers from several local towns that are willing to support their communities, their neighbors – YOU – to improve energy efficiency. We are here to listen to your needs, help answer your questions, and direct you to trusted knowledgeable professionals that you can work with to take the first step. 

Upcoming Events

Sustainable Living @Greensboro Farmers Market, Summer 2024
Wednesdays 3-6 pm
Contact: Liz Steel, [email protected]

7/6 FUNKY FOURTH – Community Garden signs, planting plan, garlic scape pesto & seeds; Greensboro ECAC banner, switch gaskets & outlet plugs; start infra-red thermometer raffle
7/10POLLINATOR FEST – Community Garden sign up & flier; kids activity – hammering flowers
7/17WINDOWDRESSERS – Fan Watkinson to provide information and help folks sign up for window inserts; $ave Energy NEK flier, promote raffle
7/24ENERGY EFFICIENCY FINANCING – NETO to share new income-based incentives. EffVT Rewiring America Incentives calculator
7/31HOME COMFORTS – Vermont Energy Audits, to share insights and advice on assessing home energy efficiency 
8/7HEAT PUMPS 101 – Efficiency Vermont to share information about heat pumps, heat pump hot water heaters and current incentives
8/14FEEDING THE COMMUNITY – Center for Agriculture Economy to share information on community gardening; Hardwick Area Food Pantry to share information on food insecurity
8/21GO ELECTRIC – “GO Vermont” to provide info on EVs and hybrids + EVs to demo: Tesla (NRS), BOLT (PW), Rivian (ES), ID40 (EB), F150 Lightning (CC)
8/28WEATHERIZATION WORKS – Home insulation/ventilation with SolarHarvester; Taylor Home poster board; WindowDressers; raffle draw

Ongoing Support

For more information contact your local representative and click on the image above for helpful resources.

Learn more at https://linktr.ee/saveenergynek