Want to know how your home can save you money?
Often the hardest part about home improvements is knowing where to start. $ave Energy NEK is a group of volunteers from several local towns that are willing to support their communities, their neighbors – YOU – to improve energy efficiency. We are here to listen to your needs, help answer your questions, and direct you to trusted knowledgeable professionals that you can work with to take the first step.
Contact: Liz Steel, [email protected]
What: Hybrid meeting
When: October 23rd at 6 PM
Where: Greensboro Free Library
Zoom link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/82176845280
Do you have an interest in energy and ways we can reduce our carbon footprint? Do you have thoughts about how climate change can affect our community in the long term? We are working on ways to help our community address this needs. We would love to have you join us to learn more about what we are doing.
Contact: Beth Meachem, [email protected]
For more information contact your local representative and click on the image above for helpful resources.
NEWS ALERT December 2024
Efficiency Vermont offers $7,500 Rebate program for qualifying 501(c)(3) non-profits.
Rare opportunity for nonprofit organizations that provide health, safety or welfare services in Vermont to receive an enhanced incentive, covering 100% of costs up to $7,500. Funds can be used to purchase up to four pieces of qualifying energy efficiency equipment or complete a qualifying custom project.
If you think your organization qualifies, visit the Efficiency Vermont website https://www.efficiencyvermont.com/rebates/list/enhanced-rebates-nonprofits AND call Efficiency Vermont (888-921-5990) and ask to talk to an energy advisor in the business division to discuss your project and confirm that it will qualify.
NOTE: To qualify for the rebate
1) Products must be on the the Efficiency Vermont list of qualifying products
2)You will be required to use Efficiency Vermont network contractors who can work
with you on your project.
DON’T WAIT – rebates are available on a first come, first serve basis and will expire
when funds are exhausted
Eligible 501(c)(3) nonprofits must be based in Vermont and provide one or more of the following services:
1) Food Shelf/Community Kitchen
2) Shelter Services
3) Domestic Abuse Shelter/Response Centers
4) Senior Services
5) Veteran Services
6) Community Health Centers
7) Library/Community/Job Training Centers
8) Child Care Centers
9) Racial and Social Justice Organizations
10) Other nonprofits that can demonstrate that it is providing health/safety/welfare
services to vulnerable populations in their community
Effective Date: October 13, 2024 to December 30, 2026 (subject to change)
Learn more at https://linktr.ee/saveenergynek